lunedì 29 marzo 2010


Proprio come in Matrix stiamo reclutando Guerrieri del Web. Si tratta di diventare Agenti Rappresentanti come nella realtà, con la grande differenza che si lavora esclusivamente online, quindi niente campionari, niente spostamenti, nessun orario e soprattutto nessuna spesa se non quella del vostro tempo e connessione Internet.

La 1° campagna vendita online di haenG inizierà in maggio, fatevi sotto.

giovedì 25 marzo 2010

Frankensteen ??? Ovvero come ti customizzo il 5T



Era rimasto nell'armadio da un po', con il suo fondo extrlarge da 23 cm e qualche buco di troppo.
Però erano quattro anni che fedelmente mi accompagnava in giro, che nel suo taschino tutte le mattine mettevo la mia moneta portafortuna. Un cinque tasche della G.STAR; quando l'ho preso era slim, con il tempo il tessuto aveva perso la grinta e la gamba ammosciata...
Sembrerò po' Frankestein Junior ( il bianco & nero con sfumature blu del film ben si addicono al denim con il gancio) ma è fatta: per pensarci sopra un attimo a farlo resuscitare dall'armadio è bastato un niente.

Una nuova vita: Stringiamo la gamba e la portiamo a 19,5 cm, due toppe ed infine l'innesto. Tolgo l'etichetta, via il retrocinta che non si dica che è un tarocco. E' semplicemente il mio vecchio 5tasche che si fa un altro giro. Mai tradire i vecchi amici.

Adesso lo porto in lavanderia per il tocco finale: un bagno rinvigorente nella resina, niente di meglio per la sua vecchia tela un po' troppo rilassata....

lunedì 22 marzo 2010

Blog language rebooting...

From today this blog will be written using Italian language. The reasons are that, first of all, for sure I can exprime better my feeling and opinions without the filter of language, and last but not least, since I'm an Italian I've to contribute to carry on our own flag culture, startin' from language.
Than ! Many thanks to Tarzan Google Translater that helped me to exprime but : many many many thanks and kisses to my dear friend Luisa that checked our disasters...

Hey teacher... how many typos today ???

domenica 14 marzo 2010

Who's behind

That's the monster: JEANSMARKET. The Factory is located in Verona, north of Italy, a nice place for Sun ( few km form Garda Lake ) Wine ( do you know Valpolicella ? ) and of course Denim. Check it on web here

mercoledì 10 marzo 2010

Ready for show !

Hanging haenG !

Colourcards for the wovens

Ready to delivery

Details 02 // inside leg stitching

martedì 9 marzo 2010

Details 01

domenica 7 marzo 2010


Since pants have been washed...
...Hook must be washed tooBefore and after

martedì 2 marzo 2010

What's behind haenG ?

Haeng is the desire to invent and to create with passion, in a new way,
producing something different. I'll explain how: First of all
haeng is "no logo" . This means that - at last - the outside
is not labeled with any brand name or logo. There are two basic
reasons: first of all, fighting the false perception of quality that often
hides behind a logo or a "brand", thus preventing the display of
a label or brand name just for the sake of it. Secondly - to let only the real
values such as the exclusive design and quality be perceived and evaluated - without smoke screens.
The care and passion behind haeng's design are values best understood through the details of
its construction, stitching, fabrics and washing. The "haeng" pants are sewn in Italy and Tunisia and are washed and dyed only in Italy. This is not because other countries work poorly - on the contrary, the idea that from China comes only low quality material is
a total misconception, there are really good Chinese companies.
But we simply prefer to stay close to the product, personally choosing who sews, dyes or washes, with the goal to find in these people passion and the natural ability to do things
simply well. Our goal is not to save money at all costs because we know what it means to do things well, using good materials, but it is also true that paying for fine quality is different than speculating on a anabolizated logo!
Our point is this: making a product no logo simply because the logo is not needed.
haeng manages to be so thanks to the hook that distinguishes it.
It is recognizable as well as useful: you can "hang" keyrings, the snare of the wallet, iPhone or MP3 player.

You may like it or not, but it is something real, it's something totally different, it has the beauty and naturalness of something that makes sense.

And this for us at haeng is the key issue.

So: haeng at its core means a thing well done, involving and working together with those people who have the same spark in their eyes, finally able to proudly offer the fruit of a job well done, with the serenity of trasmitting a real value.
Sometimes, to promote Values you can start even from a pair of jeans.

Ok, that's all: since we are newly born, we value each opinion, good or bad: your input is always welcome and appreciated!

Know your enemy